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The appraiser portal is designed to capture all of the important attributes of an appraised item. Fast and easy is what we were shooting for when we designed the forms. You will find templates that utilize drop down boxes, the system captures the data and applies it in your appraisal form.

Insurance companies need standardization in appraisal forms. If you can imagine over 100,000 different appraisers with different formats, different opinions on the value of attributes. Insurance companies must read each appraisal just to put it into their system which costs time and money that is passed on to an insured. The appraiser portal captures all of the information that an Insurance underwriter needs and sends a data feed directly into their system.

By making the process of insuring and item easier and less expensive for insurance companies, we can offer this service free to appraisers, the insurance companies pay us for the service.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make appraiser portal better for you.
